Planetary Discapacity as Pathologies of Adaptation
The inheritance of modernity consists of injurious and predatory forms of interdependency sustaining human life on earth: agro-industry is depleting the soil and the so-called “lungs of the earth” are burning in California, the Amazon...

For the Want of a Better Word: Hyperlink Thinking
For the want of a better word as a phrase in this text is used as a lens from which I will ask where the search for the better word in design can lead to through the use of hyperlinks as a tool for searching and thinking. For the want of a better word often includes the use of a thesaurus as an...

For the Want of a Better Word: Desire
or the want of a better word as a phrase in this text is used as a lens from which I will ask what the ‘want’ is in design through the questioning of desires. Desire, for the want of a better word, is a feeling that is a physical or mental longing for something; a goodnight kiss or the latest piece...

For the Want of a Better Word
For the want of a better word is a phrase that is largely concerned with the use of language as a mode of translation, intelligence, excuse, and design. Through the use of this phrase, a person is able to excuse a gap in their vernacular and invite others into the search of ‘a better word’....

YOU CAN SEE APARTHEID FROM SPACE / Residual Governance – How South Africa Foretells Planetary Futures
TO FIND JOHANNESBURG and Soweto from space, look for a string of orange and yellow polygons. The largest ones tend to have all straight sides, though a few combine straight and curvy edges. Zoom in, and notice a boulevard bisecting the city, running west to east for over 8 kilometers. Continuing you...

[FIFA] is a film with an investigative approach, critically examining the connection between the commercial language of football and the actions of the president and board members of the FIFA organisation, in the specific corruption case of 2015. The individual skills of...

Hvad laver en økonom i Designrådet?
Hvad laver en økonom i Designrådet? Det spørgsmål var udgangspunktet for en uformel samtale med tidligere departementschef i Erhvervsministeriet Jørgen Rosted, som fandt sted i efteråret 2020 i Christianshavns Beboerhus. Det blev en samtale, som udfoldede dansk designhistorie fra 1990’erne og......

The Myth of “Democratic Design” and Why the Concept Never Should Be Used Again
There has been an inflation of the concept of ‘democracy’. City-planning, public talks, town squares, and design in general, are today termed ‘democratic’. It is not surprising, who does not want to be democratic? But as Jeff Werner, professor of art history, writes in the book Postdemokratisk...