How is Technology Addressing Us?
The shiny slick surfaces of our dark screens look innocent. They seem to be waiting quietly and patiently to be filled with ‘content’. But once loaded, design wars are ongoing – and the winning or losing of such a battle decides about what kind of user will be called into existence by the screen. In...

Eyes Touching Fingers Seeing
The world I perceive by touching has texture, weight and temperature, but lacks perspective and color. The world I perceive by seeing has perspective and color, but lacks texture, weight and temperature. The two worlds that touch and vision describe don’t seem to have much in common. I can grasp an...

Coordinated Inauthentic Selves
In a passage from “The Semiotics of Tourism,” Jonathan Culler lays out the central paradox of authenticity (the passage was in fact the headnote to literary critic Julia Straub’s introduction to an essay collection called Paradoxes of Authenticity): for something “to be experienced as authentic it...

Nightly Vertigo
I don’t like driving, or even biking, at night. The thing is that when it’s dark, I have difficulties perceiving depth. I have a tough time distinguishing between what is far and what is close, to the extent that I might assume, driving a car, that a car ahead of me is far further away than it...